An ItemType can be defined with two different implementations - Single Item and Poly Item.
The Single Item type is the most common implementation approach. In Single Item, each ItemType represents an individual business object, and is represented in a relational database as a single table. Examples of a Single Item type include definitions of Part, Document, Project, DFMEA, etc.
A Poly Item implementation type represents a polymorphic class of ItemType. A Poly Item ItemType can represent a collection of other ItemTypes. A polymorphic (Poly Item) ItemType is typically used when a property of some other item can reference more than one possible type of Item - a project Deliverable, for example. The type of deliverable can be one of many possible types if Item. The deliverable may be a Document, a Part, a Control plan, etc.
The Poly Item type has a somewhat limited set of compatible relationships that are applicable in the ItemType definition. Only those Tabs that remain active in the ItemType form are supported in a Poly Item type.
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