
  1. In Release 8.1 scheduling is calculated on the server, in previous releases scheduling was calculated on the client
  2. The scheduling calculation to be executed may be specified by name for each individual project
  3. See also Selecting when Project is Scheduled
  4. The standard scheduling calculation, named 'server_update_schedule':
    1. Calculates early and late and start and finish day number for all activities using the Critical Path Method
    2. Converts day number to calendar date using Innnovator work-day Calendars and Project scheduling_type and Project Start and Finish Dates, see About Scheduling
    3. Selects Activity Planned Start and Finish dates see Activity Target Dates
    4. Calculate status of Activities, including status colors,  and rollup to WBS
  5. Alternative scheduling calculations can be created using custom Innovator Methods

To select Default Scheduling Method

  1. Edit the Project ItemType
  2. Edit the schedule_method Property to select the default Method

To enable Alternate Scheduling Method for individual Projects

  1. Implement custom behavior using Methods


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