- In Release 8.1 scheduling is calculated on the server, in previous releases scheduling was calculated on the client
- The scheduling calculation to be executed may be specified by name for each individual project
- See also Selecting when Project is Scheduled
- The standard scheduling calculation, named 'server_update_schedule':
- Calculates early and late and start and finish day number for all activities using the Critical Path Method
- Converts day number to calendar date using Innnovator work-day Calendars and Project scheduling_type and Project Start and Finish Dates, see About Scheduling
- Selects Activity Planned Start and Finish dates see Activity Target Dates
- Calculate status of Activities, including status colors, and rollup to WBS
- Alternative scheduling calculations can be created using custom Innovator Methods
To select Default Scheduling Method
- Edit the Project ItemType
- Edit the schedule_method Property to select the default Method
To enable Alternate Scheduling Method for individual Projects
- Implement custom behavior using Methods