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ItemappendItem Method

Appends passed item to this.nodeList.

Namespace:  Aras.IOM
Assembly:  IOM (in IOM.dll) Version:
public void appendItem(
	Item item


Type: Aras.IOMItem
Item to append
  • this has invalid internal structure (e.g. this.node is from a different DOM then this.dom, etc.)
  • this.node is not a sibling with nodes from this.nodeList or (if this.node == null) not all nodes from this.nodeList are siblings.
ArgumentException Passed item has invalid internal structure (e.g. item's node is from a different DOM then item's dom, etc.)
The method works only if all nodes from this.nodeList (if available) and this.node are siblings; otherwise an exception is thrown. The method does the following:
  • this.node != null: a) moves this.node into this.nodeList providing that all of them are siblings (this.node is set to null after that); b) appends passed item's node into this.nodeList; if passed item's node is not set (is null), appends to this.nodeList all nodes from passed item's nodeList. Note, that either passed item's node or nodeList is appended to this.nodeList, but not both.
  • this.node == null AND this.nodeList != null: a) checks that all nodes in the this.nodeList are siblings; b) appends passed item nodes to this.nodeList same way as in the case this.node != null
  • this.node == null AND this.nodeList == null: throws an exception.
Note, that the item passed as the argument to the method is not changed in the method.
See Also