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Itemapply Method (String, Hashtable, String)

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Applies the AML, which is the XML of 'this.dom'.

Namespace:  Aras.IOM
Assembly:  IOM (in IOM.dll) Version:
[ObsoleteAttribute("Obsolete since 11 SP14. The method will be removed from future releases of IOM APIs. Please use Item.apply() | Item.apply(String) | Item.apply(string, Hashtable) instead", 
public Item apply(
	string action,
	Hashtable argsObject,
	string location


Type: SystemString
The action argument is optional and if passed is assigned to the action attribute. The action can be assigned when the Item was created or by the setAction() method.
Type: System.CollectionsHashtable
A collection of name-value pairs where 'name' is interpreted as 'property name' and 'value' as the property value. Specified in the collection properties are set on the item prior to applying its AML.
Type: SystemString
The location argument value is either client or server and is only meaningful on the client side. The location is optional and defaults to server. If location is client the Method specified by the action attribute value is loaded into the client and is evaluated as an anonymous function for the Item object so the code is evaluated with the context object.

Return Value

Type: Item
Returns an Item where the dom property is the XML returned from the server. The dom may contain an Item, a forest of Items (i.e. a disjoint union of AML trees), or an Error.
  • The instance doesn't represent a single item.
  • The instance has a wrong internal structure (e.g. item.node doesn't belong to item.dom; etc.).
See Also