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Innovator Methods

The Innovator type exposes the following members.

Public methodapplyAML
Sends request to Innovator server and returns server response as an item.
Public methodapplyMethod
Apply a method by name, passing a string value as its body.
Public methodapplySQL
Sends SQL request to Innovator server and returns server response as an Item.
Public methodapplySQLWithParameters
Sends SQL request (which consists of query and parameters) and returns server response as an Item.
Public methodcalcMD5 Obsolete.
Computes the MD5 hash value for the specified string.
Public methodCode exampleConsumeLicense
Consumes license for feature
Public methodgetAssignedActivities Obsolete.
Returns an Item where the nodeList property of the Item contains Activity Items.
Public methodgetChecksum
Computes the MD5 hash value for the specified file.
Public methodgetConnection
Returns the server connection set on the instance.
Public methodgetFileUrl(String, UrlType)
Returns file full file url. In some cases with AuthenticationBroker's token.
Public methodgetFileUrl(String, UrlType, VaultUrlType)
Returns file full file url by Id and vault url type. In some cases with AuthenticationBroker's token.
Public methodgetFileUrls(ArrayList, UrlType)
Public methodgetFileUrls(ArrayList, UrlType, VaultUrlType)
Returns file full file url by Id and vault url type. In some cases with AuthenticationBroker's token.
Public methodgetI18NSessionContext
Returns current internationalization context.
Public methodCode examplegetItemById
Returns an Item object that matches the ItemType name and ID for the Item.
Public methodCode examplegetItemByKeyedName
Returns an Item object that matches the ItemType name and keyed name for the Item.
Public methodgetItemInDom
Returns an Item with the node property referencing the first found <Item> node from the passed ArasXmlDocument.
Public methodgetNewID
A new 32 character hex string based on a GUID.
Public methodgetNextSequence
Returns the next sequence value by sequence name.
Public methodgetUserAliases Obsolete.
Returns aliases of the logged-in user.
Public methodgetUserID
Returns id of the user assosiated with a given instance of Innovator if this user is currently logged in, otherwise throws "Not logged in" exception.
Public methodnewError
Returns a new "error" item.
Public methodnewItem
Returns a new Item.
Public methodnewItem(String)
Returns a new Item with the specified type.
Public methodnewItem(String, String)
Returns a new Item with the specified type and action.
Public methodnewResult
Returns an Item where the text passed in as the argument is the body for the <Result> tag.
Public methodnewXMLDocument
Creates new ArasXmlDocument.
Public methodStatic memberScalcMD5
Computes the MD5 hash value for the specified string.
See Also