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Aras.IOME Namespace

Public classCheckinCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for CheckinCompleted which is raised when checkin operation was completed.
  • Result Result Item for applying checkin configuration after uploading files to vault.
  • Error Information on error that occurred while checkin.
  • Cancelled Boolean value. Shows if checkin operation was cancelled.
  • UserState May contain additional information. Usually contains Item configuration for which checkin action was called.
Public classCheckinManager
Public classCheckinProgressChangedEventArgs
Provides data for CheckinProgressChanged event which is raised when one of the steps of checkin operation was completed.
  • ProgressPercentage Current progress of operation in percents.
  • UserState Contains additional information for action. Usually initial checkin configuration.
Public classCheckoutManager
Provide methods for locking all required items in the specified configuration of items and for synchronous and asynchronous downloading of all the files in the configuration.
Public classDownloadFileCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for DownloadFileCompleted event which is raised when a single file download is complete.
Public classDownloadFilesCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for DownloadFilesCompleted event which is raised when either all file downloads are complete or when the operation was cancled by user.
Public classDownloadFilesProgressChangedEventArgs
Provides data for DownloadFilesProgressChanged event which is raised when the progress percentage is changed.
Public classDownloadResult
Represents result of a single file download.
Public classInvalidConflictDetectionResult
Class represents invalid ConflictDetection result exception.
Public classItemErrorException
Exception which wrap error Item
Public classMultiParentConfigurationBuilder
This ItemConfigurationBuilder allows to add parent Items for all Items in configuration
Public classUploadFileCompletedEventArgs
Provides data for UploadFileCompleted event which is raised when uploading of a single file to vault was completed.
  • Result Result Item for uploading file to vault.
  • Error Information on error that occurred while uploading file.
  • Cancelled Boolean value. Shows if upload operation was cancelled.
  • UserState May contain additional information. Usually id of the file for which upload operation was completed.
Public classUploadFilesCompletedEventArgs
Provides information for UploadFilesCompleted event which is raised when uploading of all files in configuration was completed.
  • Result Returns hashtable with the results of uploading files to vault. Key is the id of uploaded file, value is the instance of UploadResult class.
  • Error Information on error that occurred while uploading files.
  • Cancelled Boolean value. Shows if upload operation was cancelled.
  • UserState May contain additional information. Usually initial checkin configuration.
Public classUploadFilesProgressChangedEventArgs
Provides data for UploadFilesProgressChanged event which is raised when the progress percentage is changed (a file is uploaded to vault).
Public classUploadResult
Represents result of a single file upload.
Public interfaceIItemConfigurationBuilder
Interface must be implemented by ItemConfigurationBuilders, allows to get modified configuration
Public delegateCheckinCompletedEventHandler
Checkin operation was completed handler
Public delegateCheckinProgressChangedEventHandler
Checkin operation progress has changed handler
Public delegateDownloadFileCompletedEventHandler
Delegate for DownloadFileCompleted event handler which is called when download of a single file is complete.
Public delegateDownloadFilesCompletedEventHandler
Delegate for DownloadFilesCompleted event handler which is called when either all files finished downloading or when the operation was canceled by user.
Public delegateDownloadFilesProgressChangedEventHandler
Delegate for DownloadFilesProgressChanged event handler which is called when download progress is changed.
Public delegateUploadFileCompletedEventHandler
Uploading of file was completed handler
Public delegateUploadFilesCompletedEventHandler
Uploading files operation was completed
Public delegateUploadFilesProgressChangedHandler
Uploading files progress has changed handler
Public enumerationCheckinManagerFlags
Enumeration for setting additional actions after checkin
Public enumerationCheckoutManagerFlags
Enumeration for setting additional checkout parameters