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Item Properties

The Item type exposes the following members.

Public propertydom
A reference to the instance of ArasXmlDocument that holds the data for the Item in the AML format. ArasXmlDocument is an alias that represents System.Xml.XmlDocument when IOM namespace is used from .NET (C#, VBScript) and MSXML2.IXMLDOMDocument when it used from COM (JavaScript).
Public propertynode
A reference to the <Item> node in the dom for this Item instance. The type of node is System.Xml.XmlElement when IOM namespace is used from .NET (C#, VBScript) and MSXML2.IXMLDOMElement when it used from COM (JavaScript).
Public propertynodeList
List of <Item> nodes from the dom for this Item instance. The type of nodeList is System.Xml.XmlNodeList when IOM namespace is used from .NET (C#, VBScript) and MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList when it used from COM (JavaScript).
See Also