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I18NSessionContext Class

The class represents an internationalization context of a client session. Every client of any type (e.g. standard Innovator client; standalone .NET client; etc.) has an instance of the class associated with each of its sessions. The context defines what locale, time zone, etc. are used by the session; this affects what kind of data is returned from the server and how the locale sensitive data (date, float, etc.) is formatted. The class also provides methods for converting from a locale specific formats of the session to neutral formats that are used in AML for sending\receiving data to\from Innovator server. In order to correctly build or interpret an AML it's important to remember the following:
  • Locale sensitive types ( 'date' | 'float' | 'decimal' ) must be always presented in AML in neutral format
  • Dates must be always presented in AML in the time zone of the session
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Aras.IOM
Assembly:  IOM (in IOM.dll) Version:
public class I18NSessionContext

The I18NSessionContext type exposes the following members.

Public methodConvertFromNeutral
Converts from neutral format into the format specific for the session locale.
Public methodConvertNeutralToUtcDateTime
Converts a date-time in the time zone of the session in neutral format to a string that represents the same moment of time in UTC.
Public methodConvertToNeutral
Convert svalue that is a string representation of value of type vtype into the neutral format. It is assumed that svalue has a format that is a valid format for the session locale.
Public methodConvertUtcDateTimeToNeutral
Converts utcStr date to string representing the same moment of time in the time zone of the session in neutral format.
Public methodGetCorporateToLocalOffset
Returns offset in minutes between corporate time zone and the local time zone of the client. If the corporate time zone is not defined by the Innovator then '0' is returned.
Public methodGetDefaultLanguageCode
Returns code of the default language.
Public methodGetDefaultLanguageSuffix
Returns suffix of the default language.
Public methodGetLanguageCode
Returns Innovator language code for the session language.
Public methodGetLanguageSuffix
Returns suffix of the language for the session language.
Public methodGetLocale
Returns locale of the current session.
Public methodGetTimeZone
Returns time zone of the session.
Public methodGetUIDatePattern
Returns locale specific date-time pattern that corresponds to the passed Innovator pattern (e.g. 'short_date').
See Also