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WinAuthHttpServerConnection Class

The class extends the HttpServerConnection class allowing to connect to Innovator server that is configured to use Windows authentication instead of Innovator's database authentication.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Aras.IOM
Assembly:  IOM (in IOM.dll) Version:
public class WinAuthHttpServerConnection : HttpServerConnection

The WinAuthHttpServerConnection type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoReloginOnSessionError
Gets or sets flag for automatic relogin on session timeout. The default value is false.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public propertyCode exampleCompression
Property specifies the way of compression of AML sent through IOM.HttpServerConnection. Value from enumeration 'CompressionType' (namespace Aras.Common.Compression) can be set. Available values are:
  • gzip data compression to the gzip format
  • deflate data compression to the deflate format
  • none Default value. Data sent through IOM.HttpServerConnection aren't compressed.
It is highly recommended to store type of compression you are using in configuration file of your application. Example section of application configuration file:
        <add key="CompressionType" value="gzip"/>
    </appSettings >
Examples of setting value of Compression property from application configuration file.
HttpServerConnection connection = CreateHttpServerConnection("innovatorServerUrl");
connaction.Compression = GetCompressionTypeFromAppConfig();
private CompressionType GetCompressionTypeFromAppConfig()
 string value = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CompressionType"];
 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
     return CompressionType.none;
     return (CompressionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CompressionType), value);
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public propertyReadWriteTimeout
Gets or sets a time-out in milliseconds when writing to or reading from a stream.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public propertyTimeout
Gets or sets the time-out value in milliseconds for the System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() and System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() methods.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodCallAction
Send a request with the specified action and AML to Innovator server and write the obtained response into the outDOM.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodGetDatabaseName
Returns name of the current database in use.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodGetDatabases
Returns all configured databases
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodgetFileUrl(String, UrlType)
Returns file full file url. In some cases with AuthenticationBroker's token.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodgetFileUrl(String, UrlType, VaultUrlType)
Returns file full file url. In some cases with AuthenticationBroker's token.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodgetFileUrls(ArrayList, UrlType)
Returns file full file urls. In some cases with AuthenticationBroker's token.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodgetFileUrls(ArrayList, UrlType, VaultUrlType)
Returns file full file urls. In some cases with AuthenticationBroker's token.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodGetLicenseInfo
Returns information about subscription and all add-on's
(Inherited from ServerConnectionBase.)
Public methodGetLicenseInfo(String, String)
Returns information about subscription and specified add-ons
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodgetUserID
If Login() was already called, returns id of the user associated with the connection; otherwise throws an exception.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodLogin
Login into Innovator server.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodLogout
Logout from Innovator (do not unlock locked Items).
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodLogout(Boolean)
Logout from Innovator.
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
Public methodUsingParameters
Call action with special HttpConnectionParams
(Inherited from HttpServerConnection.)
The class is supposed to be used only when Innovator server is configured to use native Windows authentication. The class uses credentials of the user that is currently logged on the client machine. It connects to the special aspx on server (Innovator\Client\scripts\IOMLogin.aspx) that must be setup to use Windows authentication and not use anonymous access (for more info see: and "Login Hooks.doc" that is a part of the documentation for every release).
See Also