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CheckinManager Methods

The CheckinManager type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleCheckForConflicts
Checks configuration in checkin manager for conflicts in array
Public methodCode exampleCheckin
Does synchronous checkin of all files in the configuration.
Public methodCode exampleCheckinAsync
Start asynchronous checkin of all files in the configuration. While asychronous checkin is in progress cancel, pause and resume operations are available.
Public methodCheckinCancelAsync
Cancel asynchronous upload of all files in the configuration that was started by UploadFilesAsync. Checkin will be completed with Cancelled value 'true'. Method is available for asynchronous checkin only.
Public methodCheckinPauseAsync
Pause asynchronous upload of all files in the configuration that was started by UploadFilesAsync. Method is available for asynchronous checkin only.
Public methodCheckinResumeAsync
Resume asynchronous upload of all files in the configuration that was started by UploadFilesAsync. Method is available for asynchronous checkin only.
Public methodDispose
Release all resources managed by instance
Public methodGetConflictDetectionRuleFactory
Method for creation of factory that is used to create conflict detection rules.
See Also