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FetchFileMode Enumeration

This is an flags enumeration for fetchFileProperty method.

Namespace:  Aras.IOM
Assembly:  IOM (in IOM.dll) Version:
public enum FetchFileMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Normal0 Normal: 0 (default) - in this mode method performs file downloading to targetPath. Location of downloaded file is set to item property "checkedout_path".
Dry1 Dry: 1 - in this mode method perform "dry" run without downloading physical file, but item property "checkedout_path" is calculated based on targetPath and filename of the File. This mode will be used in case it will be required to get real file path to which file is downloaded in order to test if such file already exists on file system, which gives opportunity to change targetPath for real file downloading, which by default overwrites existing files.
See Also